First, to anyone who was waiting for it, I'm afraid the Naruto flashes are over for now. I just made them to practice my animating. Now that I am pretty confident with my work, it's time to move on!
At this moment in time, I have 3 pending projects, I've started losing motivation to make the first one so right now its on hold, and recently while trying to come up with a new idea.. I managed to come up with two lol :P One of them is still in primary progress.. however shockingly, the second is almost ready to be implemented! I've come up with the main story line, characters, their personalities, and even some names already :D.. I've even come up with a possible title... " SOLAREANS " .. don't judge yet but we'll see how well this carries on :) wish me luck!
(P.S I'm working on some concept art if I'm happy with the results I might throw them in with the next post :) )